Building Usage library

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[edit] Main Features

  • This Building Usage library defines the boundary usage conditions of different Usage types, regarding the occupancy, the intern gains and the different buidling end uses (space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, ventilation, electrical appliances)<br/
  • It integrates also a mapping between the building function code (given in the CityGML field bldg:function) and the primary and secondary Usage types.
  • This library is called in the Usage Preprocessor workflow step of SimStadt Platform to give default usage parameters to buildings/zones whose usage data is unknown.
  • Some Zone Usage Variants may be added to these Zone Usage types (e.g. "Energy-saving user", "secondary residence", subtypes of industry or event location etc.). They can redefine all the end-uses and occupancy information of the Zone Usage Type, or only one end-use (e.g. "Accomodation with bathroom" for end-use domestic hot water). Some variant name/id may be common to different Zone Usage Type ("Energy-saving user", "average energy consumer" etc.)

[edit] Library structure and parameters

[edit] Library structure

A usage library consists of an xml file which conforms to an xml schema. It contains several usage types, such as “residential” or “administration” corresponding to different ways of using buildings. Each usage type is made of several standard parameters concerning the occupancy, intern gains and end uses (space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, electrical appliances and ventilation). A usage type can also have variants, which are usage types derived from the main one, with some parameters varying. For instance, two variants of the “residential” usage type can be “single-family house” and “multi-family house”. A usage library also contains a mapping table linking a code (an integer for example) to one or two usage types (primary and secondary). [UML Schema]

[edit] Mapping Alkis / Zone Usage Type

These Zone Usage Types are used in Simstadt 0.8:

education, event location, hall, health care, hotel, industry, non-heated, office and administration, residential, restaurant, retail, sport location.

These ALKIS codes are used in SimStadt 0.8:

1010 Wohnhaus: residential 1020 Wohnheim: residential 1022 Altersheim: health care 1036 Nutzung nicht bekannt 1121 Wohn- und Verwaltungsgebaeude: 1. residential 2. office and administration 1122 Wohn- und Buerogebaeude: 1. residential 2. office and administration 1123 Wohn- und Geschaeftshaus: 1. residential 2. retail 1131 Wohn- und Betriebsgebaeude: 1. residential 2. industry 1137 Bibliotheksgebaeude: office and administration 1220 Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Wohn- und Betriebsgebaeude: 1. industry 2. residential 1221 Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebaeude (Bauernhaus): 1. residential 2. non-heated 1222 Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebaeude: residential 1223 Forsthaus: residential 1312 Wochenendhaus: residential 1313 Gartenhaus: non-heated 1379 Heim: residential 2020 Buerogebaeude: office and administration 2050 Geschaeftshaus: retail 2055 Kiosk: non-heated 2060 Messegebaeude: hall 2071 Hotel: hotel 2072 Jugendherberge: hotel 2074 Campingplatzgebaeude: hotel 2081 Gaststaette: restaurant 2090 Vergnuegungsstaette: hall 2111 Fabrikgebaeude: industry 2112 Betriebsgebaeude: industry 2120 Werkstattgebaeude: industry 2130 Tankstellengebaeude: retail 2140 Gebaeude fuer Vorratshaltung: hall 2143 Lagergebaeude: non-heated 2412 Wartehalle: hall 2443 Schleusengebaeude: office and administration 2461 Parkhaus: non-heated 2463 Garage: non-heated 2465 Tiefgarage: non-heated 2501 Energieversorgungsgebaeude: industry 2510 Wasserturm: non-heated 2513 Wasserbehaelter: non-heated 2523 Unformer: industry 2541 Sendeturm: non-heated 2611 Klaeranlagengebaeude: non-heated 2612 Toilettengebaeude: non-heated 2622 Muellverbrennungsgebaeude: industry 2720 Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Betriebsgebaeude: non-heated 2721 Scheune: non-heated 2723 Schuppen: non-heated 2724 Stall: non-heated 2726 Scheune und Stall: non-heated 2729 Wirtschaftsgebaeude: office and administration 2740 Gewaechshaus: non-heated 2849 Kurmittelgebaeude: health care 2891 Aussichtsturm: non-heated 2894 Schutzhuette: non-heated 3010 Verwaltungsgebaeude: office and administration 3012 Rathaus: office and administration 3013 Postamt: office and administration 3015 Gerichtsgebaeude: office and administration 3021 Allgemein bildende Schule: education 3023 Hochschulgebaeude: education 3024 Forschungsinstitut: office and administration 3031 Schloss: hall 3034 Museumsgebaeude: hall 3036 Veranstaltungsgebaeude: event location 3038 Burg: hall 3041 Kirche: event location 3043 Kapelle: event location 3044 Gemeindehaus: office and administration 3051 Krankenhausgebaeude: health care 3065 Kindergarten: education 3071 Polizeigebaeude: office and administration 3072 Feuerwehrgebaeude: hall 3074 Schutzbunker: non-heated 3075 Justizvollzugsanstaltsgebaeude hotel 3080 Friedhofsgebaeude: hall 3090 Empfangsgebaeude: hall 3210 Sportgebaeude: sport location 3211 Sporthalle: sport location 3220 Badegebaeude: health care 3221 Hallenbad: sport location 3240 Kurgebaeude: health care 3242 Sanatoriumsgebaeude: health care 3260 Zoogebaeude: hall 9701 Turm: hall

[edit] Usage type parameters

Each Usage Type / Variant is characterized by a name, description and variant name (“Standard” if it is not a variant) and by several optional property groups:

  • Occupancy parameters: Occupancy density, Usage days per year, Usage hours per day, list of Daily Occupancy rates.
  • Intern gains parameters: Description, Average Intern Gain[W/sqm], Convective fraction, Radiant fraction, Latent fraction, list of Daily Intern gain load profiles
  • Space Heating parameters: Set-point temperature[°C], set-back temperature[°C], list of daily set-points temperature profiles
  • Space Cooling parameters: Set-point temperature[°C], set-back temperature[°C], list of daily set-points temperature profiles
  • Ventilation parameter: healthy air change rate[volume/hour]
  • Domestic Hot Water parameters: preparation temperature[°C], average volume per person and day[L/pers/d], list of daily domestic hot water load profiles
  • All Electrical Appliance parameters: average consumption per square meter and year[kWh/sqm.yr], list of daily electrical load profiles

[edit] Schedule and Load Profiles

The profiles of the Usage library are defined over 24 hours, for specific daytypes (DesignSummerDay, DesignWinterDay, WeekDay, WeekEnd, Holiday etc.)
We distinguish different types of Profiles:

  • Occupancy rate

Variable without unit, with values from 0 to 1. 1 corresponds to the maximum occupancy (calculated from the occupancy density parameter).
Typical time step = 1 hour.

  • Set-point Temperature schedule

Temperature in °C, with values generally between 0 and 50°C.
Typical time step = 1 hour.

  • Air Change Rate schedule

Variable without unit, with values from 0 to 1. 1 corresponds to the healthy air change rate.
Typical time step = 1 hour.

  • Domestic Hot Water load profile

Normalised load.
Typical time step = 1-10 minutes.

  • Electrical load profile

Normalised load.
Typical time step = 1-10 minutes.

[edit] Building Usage Library Editor

Video tutorial:

the Usage Library Editor is a standalone application,allowing to create and edit the usage library. The GUI is made of two parts : the left part containing the category tree, showing the different opened libraries and their usage types and variants, and the right part containing either the library view or the usage type view. In the library view, the library parameters such as its name, description and sources, but also the list of variants and the mapping table can be edited. In the usage type view, all the parameters of a usage type can be edited.


[edit] Menu

The File menu allows to create a new library, to import a library, either from a file (.xml file corresponding to the right xml schema) or a standard one included in the Usage Library Editor (e.g. German Standard Usage Library), to save a library and to quit.
To save a library, after clicking on the “Save as …” item, the library must be selected in the popup and after clicking on the “Save as ...” button of this popup, one can choose the folder to save it. Each building of the library must be mapped to a code in the mapping table (see Library View) otherwise a window will pop up indicating that it is not possible to save the library. If the library is invalid, i.e. cannot be used in SimStadt Application because some parameters are missing, then the list of the missing parameters will pop up. The Edit menu allows to undo/redo some actions like the modification of the usage type parameters. The Admin access menu allows to remove the protection of some libraries which prevents to edit them. For example, the German Standard Usage Library is protected. So far (01/07/2015), the word “unlock” must be typed in the text field of the menu to remove the protection of the selected library (in the left part).

[edit] Category tree

The category tree shows all the opened libraries and their usage types and variants. They can be hidden or not, as per convenience. If the library is not protected, the names of the library, its usage types and usage variants can be modified. Libraries, usage types and variants can also be added, copied and removed by opening the library, usage type and variant menus. Removing a variant will remove it only from the corresponding usage type, the variant won’t be deleted from the library’s variants list. On the contrary, adding a variant if the corresponding usage type already has all the variants of the library will add a new variant to the library’s list. If the usage type does not have all the variants of the library, then the variant added will be the first in the library list that the usage type does not have. In this tree, there can also be some warning icons if the library is not valid, i.e. if it cannot be used in SimStadt Application because some important parameters are missing. The warning icons are on the same line as the usage types which have missing data. Moving the mouse on the icon will show the list of the missing parameters.

[edit] Library view

Here, the name, description and source(s) of a library can be modified. A checkbox indicates if the library is protected or not, and a button allows to check out if the library is valid or not, and then to show a window containing all the missing parameters (not implemented yet (01/07/2015)). There are also two tables, one indicating the variants of the library and the other the mappings. One can switch between them by clicking on the vertical buttons “Building Function Mapping” and “Variants” on the left. A mapping links a code to one or two usage types. In SimStadt Platform, the buildings contain only the code, the usage type(s) must be deduced from it and from the mapping list of the usage library. In the mapping table, mappings can be created, deleted or copied. The code, primary and secondary usage cells can be filled. Note that the primary and secondary usage cells can only contain an existing usage type name. The mapping type (f.i. “Alkis”) must also be entered in the first cell of the table. The variants table contains all the variants of the library. One can add, delete and copy a variant with the buttons on the right. Variants are global, they can be used for several usage types. Therefore, adding a variant to a usage type (in the category tree) will add the first variant of the library list that the usage type does not have. But the parameters of the variant can vary with the usage type. For example, a variant “Medium Refurbishment” can correspond to the new usage parameters for each usage type of medium-refurbished buildings. Then each usage type will have this variant, but the parameters of a medium-refurbished school and of a medium-refurbished hotel will be different. Removing a variant from the variants table will remove it from all the usage types.

[edit] Usage Type view

Here, all the parameters of a usage type or of a variant can be modified. Usage type name, description and variant name (“Standard” if it is not a variant) can be edited in the upper part. By default, the parameters of a variant are the same as the parameters of the related usage type. If one parameter is not the same, then it is bold.
In the lower part, there is a tab pane containing several tabs corresponding to the different categories of parameters : one tab for occupancy parameters, one for intern gains parameters, and one for each end use (space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, electrical appliances and ventilation). The occupancy and intern gains parameters are compulsory, so the tabs cannot be removed. The end uses are optional, and their tabs can therefore be closed. If a tab is closed, then the usage type won’t have the corresponding end use. End uses can be added by clicking on the add button, and choosing the right item.

[edit] Occupancy

Here, the average occupancy density, the usage days per year and the usage hours per day can be modified. The occupancy density can either be given in pers/m² or m²/pers, it will be saved in the xml file in pers/m².
As the occupancy density is used to “convert” from person to m², in some cases it is not possible to set it to 0 (see Domestic Hot Water and Ventilation). In these cases, a message will pop up if trying to set it to 0.
Instead of giving only an average constant occupancy density, one can also give, in the daily panel, the occupancy rate, i.e. the percentage of the average occupancy density, at different times of the day. Up to 5 occupancy density profiles can be provided, one for each of the following day types : week day, week-end day, holiday day, summer day and winter day (see Profile for more details on the daily panel).

[edit] Intern Gains

Here, intern gains can be created, deleted, copied and modified.
The sum of the three fractions values must be 100%, and when setting one of them, the other are modified to be so.
In the profile column, the edit button allows to access the profile editor in order to enter the variations of the intern gain over the day, and the delete buttons to delete these profiles. To be more accurate, the profile editor allows to enter the variations of the percentage of the average intern gain given in the second column over the day (see Profile for more details on the profiles).

[edit] Space Heating and Space Cooling

These two tabs are almost the same. One can give either the average set point and set back temperatures (in the yearly panel) for the whole year or the set point temperature variations over the day (in the daily panel) (see Profile for more details on the daily panel).

[edit] Domestic Hot Water

In this tab, the average hot water consumption and the preparation temperature of the hot water can be set.
The average consumption can be given in L/pers/day, in kWh/pers/year or in kWh/m²/year. To convert from liters to kWh, the water density is assumed to be 1kg/L and its thermal capacity 4,18kJ/kg/K. The cold water temperature is also needed to know how much the water must be heated, that’s why a new text field “Cold Water Temperature” appears if the unit chosen is kWh/pers/year or kWh/m²/year. To convert from L/pers/day or kWh/m²/year to kWh/pers/year, the value of the occupancy density is used. Therefore, it should not be 0, and a message error pops up when one tries to set it to 0, or to choose kWh/m² /year when the occupancy density is zero. Indeed, when saving the library, the average consumption is saved in L/pers/day.
One can also give a daily profile of the average consumption for five day types (week day, week-end day, holiday day, summer day and winter day). One can choose to plot a cumulated (unit : L/pers) or instantaneous profile (L/pers/s) (see Profile for more details on the daily panel).

[edit] All Electrical Appliances

Here, the average electrical consumption can be set, as an average value or as a daily profile. The daily profiles can be either cumulated (unit : Wh/m²) or instantaneous (W/m²) (see Profiles for more details on the daily panel).

[edit] Ventilation

The healthy air change rate can be set here. It can either be given in vol/hour, m³/hour/pers or m³/hour/m². To convert from vol/hour to m³/hour/pers or m³/hour/m², a ceiling height is used. The corresponding text field appears when one of these two units are used. To convert from vol/hour or m³/hour/pers to m³/hour/m², the occupancy density value is needed. It cannot be 0 to convert from m³/hour/m² to one of the other units, so when one tries to set it to 0 or to use the m³/hour/m² unit if it is 0, then an error message pops up, and the last action is cancelled.

[edit] Profiles

Some parameters (occupancy density, average intern gain, heating and cooling set point temperatures, water and electric consumptions) can be given not only as an average value, but also as a periodic function of time (24 hours period) called daily profile. Such functions will be used for time simulations in SimStadt Application (not yet implemented on 01/07/2015).
For each of the above parameters, it is possible to give five different functions, one for each of the following day types : week day, week-end day, holiday day, summer day and winter day.
Here, a periodic function is only a series of values, assumed to be the values of the function between t=0h and t=24h separated by a constant time step. The time step ts is automatically calculated (24 hours divided by the number of values n , or by n-1 if there are 25 values : for example, one for t=0h and one for t = 24h) and the p-th value is assumed to correspond to the value at t = p*ts. One can therefore import a function as a csv file (values in column, or in line with “;” as a separator) containing these values.
For the water and electric consumption, it is possible to plot either cumulated or instantaneous values. The cumulated check-box allows to choose the mode. In the library xml file, only the instantaneous values are saved. For the set point temperatures, occupancy density and intern gain, only the instantaneous plot is possible.

[edit] Assumptions

The values for different usages is manily taken from DIN 18599-10:2011-2 and DIN 18599-10:2007-2. At the momment (25. may.2016) it is not possible to have the usage-dependent values for different variants of a usage for example for EFH and MFH, therefore some assumption has been taken:

- For residential buildings the usage-dependent values are taken from MFH (Multi-family house)
- Internal gain and healthy air change rate per person for office are the mean value of gropued office and landscape office. According to DIN 18599-10:2011-2, gropued office has working place up to 6, and landscape office has at least 7 working places. 
- Hot water volume per person and day for schools is the value of schools without shower. (DIN 18599-10:2011-2 has defined two variants for schools i.e. with and without shower.)
- Internal gain for Industry is assumed to be 8,4 W/m², but no refernce has been found so far.
- The hot water volume for industry is only for washing and showering consumption and it does not include the processing purposes. (No reference for processing purposes so far.

[edit] Default Libraries

[edit] Standard Usage Germany

  • Last update: 1/11/2016
  • Authors: Romain Nouvel, Maryam Zirak and Martin Wahl
  • Source: Based mainly on the norm DIN 18599-10:2011 (e.g. static boundary conditions for monthly energy balance calculation), but also on VDI 3807-2, VDI 2089.1, VDI 4655, "Architect Registration Exam Review Manual" Section 6/Chapter 27, BMVBS: "Bekanntmachung der Regeln für Energieverbrauchskennwerte und der Vergleichswerte im Nichtwohngebäudebestand", "ÜberÖrtlicher BetriebsVergleich Bäderbetriebe (ÜÖBV) Teil II" Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V, and EnergieAgentur NRW.
  • Table of usages (link to latest excel file)
  • Zone Usage types (main usages of DIN 18599-10)
ZoneUsageType Description
Residential All kind of residential houses and apartments
Education Class rooms, lecture rooms and auditoriums
Event location Spectator and audience areas
Hall Fair/congress buildings, exhibition rooms
Health care Hospitals, doctor's practices, examination and treatment rooms, laboratories
Hotel Hotels and other accommodations
Industry Workshop, assembly, manufactory
Office and administration All kinds of offices, libraries
Catering Restaurants and canteens
Retail Retail, shops
Sport location Gymnasiums
Non-conditioned All non-heated buildings (garage, some storage halls etc.)

A class RoomClassType already exists in CityGML.
Some connections can be made, but the code list does not relate directly to Energy Zone Usage.

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